Types of liver disease, causes of liver disease Mas Sehat | Blog Tentang Kesehatan | Mas Sehat ~ Blog Tentang Kesehatan | www.mas-sehat.com

Types of liver disease, causes of liver disease

Types of liver disease, causes of liver disease

What is liver disease?

Dr. Nayyar, Mandal, MD

The liver is one of the largest solid organs in the body. It is located in the upper right part of the stomach. Most of the organ is under the guise of rib cage.

Liver function
It does its job even on the size of the liver that makes it very important.

Its major functions include passing through the stomach to food processing and converting it into energy that can be used by the body.

It also handles a powerful detoxification center that cleans drugs and blood to many chemicals, alcohol, poison and toxic substances.

The liver also makes bile and collects it in a small pouch just like the organism called the gallstones. This helps the bile digestion, especially fats.

Liver anatomy
The liver is divided into two major lobes that have been further divided into lobules.

Liver blood supply gets refreshed by the liver artery. It also receives blood from the portal vein that brings in blood rich in nutrients made from intestines or intestines.

Blood from the portal vein "Nutrient sale" and "cleaning" came from toxic substances in the liver.

Liver helps in processing or metabolizing nutrients such as glucose, cholesterol, medicines, etc. iron shops.

The liver is only one of the organs of the human body that can regenerate its own damaged tissues. Although leading to liver failure the liver with repeated damage and persistent injury can fail to do its functions. Liver failure can also sometimes be lethal. (1)

Causes of liver disease
Liver disease can vary in causation.

They may be of short duration, acute liver disease or long term, chronic liver disease. An acute liver disease can also be converted to a chronic liver disease over time.

Some liver diseases are caused by hepatitis viruses (A, B and C).

Liver disease also results in taking some medicines or alcohol over long periods of time. Occasionally the more diseased liver injury is contracted and becomes longer.

This condition is called cirrhosis. Other organs like liver can also suffer from cancer. (2)

Types of liver disease
Alcohol-related liver disease is one of the common venom-induced liver disease worldwide. In normal cases, liver alcohol breaks down in the body.

During a long period of time, a lot more intake liver fails to perform its functions leading to the condition called alcoholic lever disease.

There are three types of liver disease related to alcohol: fatty liver disease, alcoholic hepatitis, and finally the drug can be cirrhosis.

Alcohol-related swelling changes and ultimately begins the disease of the liver as accumulating fat on the liver after scarring or cirrhosis irreversible tissue.

Hepatitis phase goes to liver and damage inflammation. If alcohol is stopped, changes in the initial stages of alcohol liver disease can be reversed (3)

Liver disease can also be called non-alcoholic non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. It results in fat deposits on the liver and is seen in individuals with obese, diabetes and high blood cholesterol. It can affect 2-5% of the general population. (4)

Liver disease is a comprehensive term that includes all the conditions that cause the imbalance or unrest of the liver's functions.

Liver disease is also called liver disease. Since it is a big organ, almost two thirds of liver to show most individuals in the liver to be affected for symptoms.

If there is a very high blood pressure portal in the portal vein condition is termed high blood pressure. It can lead to increased stomach, cirrhosis, ascitis, bleeding, enlarged spleen, and sometimes jaundice. The bleeding may occur in the esophagus or through the rectum.

Portal hypertension is often the result of chronic liver disease that results from liver cirrhosis.

Portal hypertension can also sometimes lead to a condition where the brain is affected and that person can go into coma called the liver encephalopathy. This is usually accompanied by liver failure. (5)

By April Cashin-Garbutt, edited BA Honors (Cantab)
Thanks for watching this video about Types of liver disease, causes of liver disease in this blog Translated to English, created by author Mr.Babu

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