Asthma attacks children - ways to win asthma Mas Sehat | Blog Tentang Kesehatan | Mas Sehat ~ Blog Tentang Kesehatan |

Asthma attacks children - ways to win asthma

Asthma attacks children - ways to win asthma

Worldwide, 13.5 percent of children and 15 to 18 percent of babies in India have been affected by asthma. The intensity of this issue, which has been in existence for 30 years, is growing rapidly today.
Children and children who claim that "there are many who have a sense of asthma," explains detailing the way in which asthma allergy specialist Dr. Sridharan wins asthma.

The reasons are ...
"Marriage on the ground, genealogy, environmental disorder, dietary habits, and different life forms are the main reasons for asthma.
 Food (food), inhalants, and three types of allergens are converted into asthma.
 If the appetite occurs, the acidity in the stomach increases and the acid reflux becomes the causative factor for asthma when it goes up in the digestive tract.
Eating foods that are fast foods and synthetic pigmented foods can often cause allergies and lead to asthma.
 Causes of living in close housing without winding, breathing with artificial AC air, causing increased vehicular traffic and environmental pollution causes the allergy to shrink the size of the bronchial to normal, preventing normal breathing.
Symptoms ...
  Bruising the lungs through the nose of the lungs, chronic cold, coughing, difficulty breathing, breathe in the nose, breathe in the mouth, breathing, laughing or talking, and even breathing even after a while. These are the primary symptoms of asthma.
If these are not corrected, sinus, allergy, and then the bronchial allergy, will ultimately develop asthma.
Do not be indifferent!
If children often have problems such as allergies and cold water, it is only a matter of ignorance that it is a "normal problem", causing major damage to asthma.
This is a cough variant asthma.

In addition to environmental and dietary habits, vaccinations for children can sometimes cause allergies. Many years ago, children had no immunizations required. Many of the vaccines are available because of the existing medical development. Although infectious diseases are often blocked, sometimes the disease
The resistance power will vary and the scope of their subjects will change. The immune disorder, which is known as immune disorder, begins to travel from a path that leads to pathogenesis and leads to allergies. This is called hygiene hypothesis.
Early treatment is essential!
Asthma can be completely cured if detected early on. At the same time, it is possible to fully control the vulnerability of the problem to the asthma problem. Once the asthma is diagnosed, the steroid inhaler and bronchodilator inhaler can be used to prevent inflammation. This instrument helps to restore the movement of the shaky bronchi and make it easier to breathe.
Unexplained, untreated pre-existing asthma stability and risk of death. There is no change in the condition of the asthma that children and adolescents have. After the formal treatment of infants who are old enough to have a baby, they will have major damage after they become adults. Children with asthma are more likely to breathe without breathing, lack of proper diet, lack of attention in the study, and lack of anxiety. If you have asthma, you can find it early in the morning and do not take asthma because of adequate precautions, "says Dr. Sridhar.
Prevent children from getting asthma
In the invisible, dust mite called dust mite, the only thing that can be seen in the microcosm, the pillow, the pet, the dowel, the mat and the children's games. They survive the dead cells of man. This 'dust mite' is the only thing we have to sleep in the nose after a few hours to begin to work and cause allergies. This is why children are sleeping, difficult to breathe, breathe through the mouth, and perform breathless whistling. So, the bedroom should be cleaned periodically and the clothes used by the children should be washed daily and dried in the sun.

Use the Dust Mite Mattress and Pillow Covers which are sold in the stores for the pillow and bed and can often clean up the 'Dust Mite' Pooch. Dust Mite can be avoided because carpet is too high.
When children take books that are not used for long periods, the dirt in their diapers makes it easier for the baby to go to the nose and cause allergies. Children's books and school bags are often to be cleaned.
If the babies are not cleaned for long periods, the baby may often be infected when the baby jumps and plays.
Dust and invisible germs can be spread by children and adults by cultivation.
The smoke from the mosquito and chemicals used to drive mosquitoes can cause increased allergies to children. Avoid the use of chemicals to eradicate mosquitoes.
Cockroaches should be prevented from causing allergies.
 Children go home, lie down and roll around in the house. Hence, the house should not be debris, and the water will not be stagnant and the children should not be taken away.
Because the pollution is high, children need to wear a mask while driving on the roads and playing outside. Allergic reaction will decrease. Preventing children from traveling to more areas of air pollution.
Today, most children do not have to work in such a way that they are playing physically and physically. TV, watching cell phone, junk food eaten inside the house. This causes the problem of obesity. Allergies are caused by healthy diet. Children need healthy food, drinking water and clean air. From early childhood, exercise, walking, swimming training, breathing exercises can help prevent asthma.
It is necessary to breastfeed for the first two years of the baby's birth and avoiding feeding the powder from cow's milk to a child's age. The fluid, solid, balanced diet should be given to the baby's growth every year.
Periodically, five-year-old children can be taken to the doctor by checking whether the child's breathing is normal or has been reduced or have asthma symptoms.
Asthma and Balance!
As astronomers have become the biggest problem in the world, the study of the University of South Carolina is still shocking. In children with asthma, 51% have been reported to be suffering from obesity. Many scholars have concluded that studies have shown that metabolic disorders and Type 2 diabetes can be caused by asthma.

Air pollution is the primary cause of asthma in childhood and has been confirmed to increase the number of respiratory and metabolic problems.

At the end of this study, most children have been shown to be responsible for childhood asthma because of the lack of adequate physical work, exercise, and eating habits.
Thanks for watching this video about Asthma attacks children - ways to win asthma in this blog Translated to English, created by author Mr.Babu

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